Welcome to Dr. Red N. Green's colour blindness facts!

Dr. Red N. Green
Dr. Red N. Green
  1. Colour Blindness is not permenent and can be turned off at any time!

  2. Despite most scientist's beliefs, Red/Green colour blindness only effects receptors for the colour blue!

  3. THIS is what the colour green looks like to Red-Green colourblind people!

  4. The colour green.

  5. Spreading misinformation about colour blindness can cause the and the brain rot!

  6. This is a paragbign bens are colourblind red - green must go to the fire pit and pull your eyes out and show then in! You will be blind for the 5 minutes the eyes are in ther efor but after pulling them out of the fire and cautiously them back, you will then have eyes that are the fire! (See Attached Image)

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